Browsing: What’s up

What's up

Is view being reinforced that Auckland Chamber of Commerce not ‘fit for purpose” The Auckland Chamber of Commerce sent a letter to the Mayor and all councillors asking them to vote against proposals in the 2016/17 draft Annual Plan to redistribute the temporary three-year levy set last year to raise $180 million to fund needed transport initiatives by imposing more of the costs of the levy on Auckland businesses. Continue →
What's up

Searing response from Lani Hagaman to insinuations. Labour leader Andrew Little has intimated there is a link between a $101,000 contribution made by Hagaman to the National Party in 2014 which was followed by the awarding of a management contract to operate Niue’s Matavai Resort. Continue →
What's up Property buoyed by economic climate

According to Steven Hart in his property podcast, ASB chief economist Nick Tuffley says population growth in New Zealand accounts for much of its current economic growth, which is perhaps why government is not keen to cut migrant numbers and take the pressure off the demand for housing. Continue →