Browsing: Water


Local Government New Zealand has welcomed the Health Committee’s report on the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill and looks forward to its progress through Parliament The local government representative body believes the bill will bring consistency to the issue of fluoridation and will see the decision-making process rightfully transferred to health experts rather than local government.  Continue →

Infrastructure New Zealand has welcomed new government support for economically and environmentally sound irrigation proposals – with one important caveat “Equity investment is preferable over debt funding to maximise public benefit,” says Infrastructure New Zealand Chief Executive Stephen Selwood. Continue →

A “dysfunctional relationship” between local authorities, poor infrastructure and faecal contamination led to more than 5000 people in Havelock North becoming sick with campylobacter, a government inquiry has found The outbreak of gastroenteritis in Havelock North in August 2016 saw 5,500 of the town’s 14,000 residents become ill with campylobacteriosis. Continue →

Weak forestry regulations proposed by the National government will do little to prevent forests being planted on steep, erosion-prone country, or avoid forestry debris harming streams, the Green Party maintains The comments follow recent news that Northland’s Mangakahia River has been clogged with forestry debris from plantation forests in the catchment. Continue →

Local government is at the heart of water issues in New Zealand, from the provision of drinking water and storm and waste water services to implementing standards for freshwater quality LGNZ President Lawrence Yule says “Water 2050” will develop a framework for water that coherently integrates freshwater quality and quantity, standards, rights and allocation, land use, three waters infrastructure, cost and affordability, and funding while recognising that the allocation of iwi rights and interests in freshwater is a live issue for the crown. Continue →

Forest & Bird has written to Environment Minister Nick Smith and Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy to advise that the organisation’s board has decided to withdraw from the Land and Water Forum The move follows the government’s proposed freshwater standards, released last month, which largely ignore the consensus recommendations of the forum. Continue →

The government has announced a target of 90 per cent of New Zealand’s lakes and rivers meeting swimmable water quality standards by 2040, alongside releasing new policy, regulations, information maps and funding to help achieve the new goal “The plan is backed up by national regulations requiring stock to be fenced out of waterways, new national policy requirements on regional councils to strengthen their plan rules on issues such as sewage discharges and planting riparian margins, a new Freshwater Improvement Fund and new maps that clearly identify where improvements are needed,” Environment Minister Dr Nick Smith says. Continue →

The crisis in Havelock North has put the spotlight on the risks of untreated water and a national discussion on acceptable risks for public water supply is required says Water New Zealand chief executive John Pfahlert. Continue →