Browsing: Water


Blockchain technology offers enormous benefits to the water industry, as Emma Weisbord explains, but other utilities and business sectors could also enjoy the same advantages The High Level Panel on Water (HPLW) have put forward their Agenda for Water Action, and have highlighted the need for innovative technologies that can resolve the gaps in water data quality, quantity and access. Continue →

The latest annual Ministry of Health report has revealed 19 per cent of people are exposed to drinking water that doesn’t meet all safety standards The figure is alarming, but Professor Michael Baker, Professor of Public Health, University of Otago, notes the report also contains good news. Continue →

Local Government New Zealand’s Water 2050: Quality – Review of the framework for water quality discussion paper has identified three key issues for New Zealand’s framework for water quality The local government representative organisation’s report points to opportunities for change that could be a focus under the government’s Three Waters Review. Continue →

The growing populations and economies of the Asia-Pacific region place more and more constraints on the maintenance and operation of urban infrastructure – particularly pipes It is becoming increasingly difficult to efficiently manage the many thousands of kilometres of pipelines that are buried beneath cities and towns. Continue →

A new tool empowers anyone with a web browser to observe water’s constantly shifting courses, an International Water Association report reveals A team at Deltares, a water research institute based in Delft in the Netherlands, has unveiled a revolutionary tool that allows anyone, anywhere, to visually monitor the comings and goings of the Earth’s surface water on a timeline from 1985 through to the present. Continue →

Waikato District Council has appointed a contractor to continue the cleaning and inspection of its wastewater network which was started in early 2017 The contractor, HyrdoTech, is also providing vacuum (or sucker trucks as they’re also known) on an as-required basis to assist with the operation of the network, particularly emergency response. Continue →

The mounting public anger over foreign-owned companies bottling and selling water offshore is a signal that a national conversation over water pricing is long overdue, says Water New Zealand CEO John Pfahlert It was clear that the Environment Minister Nick Smith under-estimated the level of concern earlier this year when he labelled the growing public frustration over bottled water as “misguided”. Continue →

A Freshwater Symposium hosted by Local Government New Zealand last week showed there is a strong platform for improving freshwater quality in New Zealand Over 200 delegates from across local and central government, iwi, the science community and the primary sector gathered in Wellington for the two-day symposium. Continue →