Browsing: Technology


Striking the right balance between Artificial Intelligence and traditional security measures is crucial, along with ongoing training and vigilance to maximise AI’s potential in cybersecurity   Artificial Intelligence (AI) brings significant advantages to cybersecurity, such as enhanced threat detection and rapid response. Continue →

AI can sometimes give incorrect answers or show signs of bias, which has the potential to be dangerous after a recent study found it is capable of eliciting empathy from humans In a new study, participants showed more empathy for an online anthropomorphic artificial intelligence (A.I.) Continue →

A group of doctors and public health experts are calling to suspend development of artificial intelligence until sufficient regulations are in place The researchers cite three major reasons AI currently poses a risk to public health and safety: Its ability to ramp up surveillance capacity which can manipulate consumer choices, spread misinformation and social division and even enable government oppression. Continue →

During its first few days online, more than a million people tested Artificial Intelligence software ChatGPT, generating everything from pop lyrics and trivia to articles and medical diagnoses, with sometimes dubious results, AIForumNZ executive director Madeline Newman says Tech jobs are also changing rapidly and ChatGPT can actually increase productivity of coders 10 times. Continue →

New Zealand’s tech worker capacity is set to come under increasing pressure as the number of hyperscale data centres grows, according to an industry expert Information and Communications Technology (ICT) roles make up over a third (35%) of all professions on the Government’s long term skills shortage list, Immigration New Zealand says. Continue →

With the reintroduction of new research and development grants, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller hopes the Government will be open to the types of R&D that are underpinning one of New Zealand’s fastest growing exports – software The transition to the R&D tax incentive scheme created unexpected barriers for software and hi-tech R&D as the official tax definitions for R&D often exclude the type of research and development necessary to create successful global digital products. Continue →

The Government is developing a new digital strategy for the first time since 2005, but there are concerns it is missing some key elements The strategy aims to set out the goals, priorities and activities for the next 2 to 5 years, along with longer term results — out to 2031 and beyond. Continue →

Another wave of cyber attacks has hit our banks, MetService and even the postal service – but critical services such as energy and water supply could be next, warns Vectra APJ Director of Security Engineering, Chris Fisher Cyber-attacks in New Zealand have increasingly grown in sophistication and prevalence, in part due to increased digitalisation but also wider geopolitical changes and disruptions caused by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Continue →

Robotics technology developed by researchers at the University of Waterloo makes critical bridge inspections cheaper and more reliable by automating the process The new system combines autonomous robots, cameras and lidar – a remote sensing method using lasers — to systematically collect data for defect detection and analysis. Continue →

Intelligent automation specialist Reveal Group claims breakthrough software to drive speed, quality and investment return for Robotic Process Automations users Reveal Group says its three new Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions will allow enterprises to automate processes 30 percent faster with unparalleled quality and results. Continue →

As the Coronavirus outbreak spreads into its third month, the virus is covering much of the world, shutting down entire economies and things could get worse, FintechNZ general manager James Brown says The global financial markets have plummeted in what could be similar to the Global Financial Crisis, 60 percent of people across Asia are worried for their financial security. Continue →

Today’s announcement of the new Digital Council to help government understand opportunities for New Zealand to really boost emerging technologies has been welcomed by NZTech and The AI Forum of New Zealand For the past two election cycles the tech ecosystem has recommended expert advice to help identify the benefits of emerging technologies for New Zealand, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says. Continue →

Many New Zealand tech companies which are relatively small, nimble and highly innovative are forecast to rapidly expand in 2020 and over the next decade on areas of the economy, ecology and industry, says NZTech chair Mitchell Pham Technology is New Zealand’s third biggest and fastest growing sector and traditional institutions and enterprise businesses will benefit from partnering with such tech companies who bring fresh thinking and approaches to the table. Continue →