Browsing: Property


The failure of successive councils and governments to prepare for inevitable flood events has left ratepayers and taxpayers burdened with bailing out the owners of weather-affected properties The Government will enter into a funding arrangement with councils in cyclone and flood affected regions to support them to offer a voluntary buyout for owners of Category 3 designated residential properties. Continue →

An electrical embedded network provides a way for commercial building owners and body corporates to capture revenue from the electricity lines infrastructure within their properties Within the New Zealand electricity market, the distribution of electricity falls nationally to Transpower then regionally to the local line companies (Vector, Orion etc). Continue →

The ‘good times’ that have re-emerged for property since April are more likely to fade out in the second half of the year than to roll on, warns Core Logic Senior Research Analyst Kelvin Davidson It’s obviously been an unprecedented year for the economy and property market so far in 2020, but it’s at least been reassuring that the number of appraisals generated by real estate agents, for-sale and for-rent listings, valuations ordered by banks, mortgage lending flows, and agreed sales activity have all rebounded since we left alert level four lockdown in late April. Continue →

The strength of the sector may come as a surprise to some given much of Auckland’s housing market is going sideways, but the fervour for hotel developments has left the city short of top level office stock Good commercial buildings in downtown Auckland have never been worth more than they are today reckons James Kellow, a director with New Zealand Mortgages & Securities (NZMS), Auckland’s largest non-bank property development financier. Continue →

If the government wants to get anywhere close to delivering 100,000 homes in a decade, its primary focus should be encouraging the private sector to get the job done, rather than building significant numbers of houses itself, reckons James Kellow New Zealand Mortgages & Securities has more than $100m to invest and it is eager to support the government’s highly anticipated KiwiBuild programme. Continue →

Retaining walls are an increasing feature of construction sites as sky high land prices add pressure to maximise the potential returns from each build Construction companies look to utilise every inch of land when planning new developments, and many projects require high retaining walls to achieve bigger results. Continue →

Described as the “next generation” of shopping centres, NorthWest Shopping Centre’s NZ$155 million transformation has been completed, creating a new Auckland retail, food and lifestyle destination spanning the equivalent of four football fields. Continue →