Auckland will get $300 million from the government’s new Housing Infrastructure Fund and will also receive extra funding later to help overcome the council’s balance sheet constraints.
The $300 million investment will bring forward construction of 10,500 homes in north-western suburbs Whenuapai & Redhills.
It will enable investment in transport, wastewater and stormwater projects which Auckland Council has earmarked as priority, fast-track initiatives.
In addition to wastewater and stormwater improvements, the $300 million will fund improvements to transport infrastructure, including an extension to Fred Taylor Drive and Northside Drive at Westgate, an update and realignment of Trig Rd, Whenuapai, and a new bridge crossing to the West Harbour ferry terminal.
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff said: “Over the last several months, I’ve met with the prime minister & other ministers to discuss the Housing Infrastructure Fund.
“I am pleased Auckland Council has been able to work with the government to ensure the government’s wider funding package for infrastructure aligns with Auckland Council’s financial constraints.”
He says Auckland’s bid for funds focused on a small number of highly development-ready areas where funding would accelerate priority projects and unlock housing growth quickly.
“Not only are we accelerating housing delivery, we are creating new centres for employment and increased accessibility across the Auckland region with improvements to Auckland’s transport system.”
Accelerating housing delivery in Auckland is a priority, Goff insists.
“I welcome the government’s recognition of the growth challenges facing Auckland and their readiness to work with the council to address issues in our city for the benefit of all New Zealand.”
However, Goff warns the city would continue to need “billions of dollars of extra investment” to keep pace with its unprecedented growth.
“Auckland has received most of what it sought from the Housing Infrastructure Fund.
In the coming weeks, there will be a further important announcement from the government on new funding options for Auckland that take into account the balance sheet constraints the city faces.
“We have worked constructively with the government to find innovative solutions to meet Auckland’s needs.
“The Housing Infrastructure Fund package will help significantly, but with ongoing growth and the pressing need for matching infrastructure, we will need to continue to work together to increase and bring forward investment to tackle Auckland’s housing shortage and growing congestion.”